WhatsApp In-app Dialer quick reply feature for instant video messages – Check Details

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WhatsApp Latest Features: Popular messaging app WhatsApp is evaluating a new In-App Dialer feature that aims to streamline the way users have been placing calls via WhatsApp Messenger. This augmentation is included in WhatsApp beta’s recent update for Android version and is currently accessible to a few beta testers primarily. 

Since its commencement, the popular messaging platform has been providing a convenient way for messaging and making voice or video calls to people around the globe. Nevertheless, placing calls to unsaved contacts has been a little tricky as first people need to save the contact in their contact list or initiate a chat to make a call. The new in-app dialer feature is supposed to address this issue, by simplifying the method of calling unsaved contact numbers.

The new dialer feature will be accessible within the calls tab of WhatsApp. With the integration of the new button in the app, users will be able to enter the unsaved numbers and make calls and will not be required to save the number in the contact list first. WhatsApp has specifically rolled out this feature to place quick calls to new numbers or temporary contacts that users do not want to save in their contact list. 

There are other important features of the In-app dialer like messaging shortcuts that will allow users to use a shortcut to exchange messages to numbers that they enter in the app offering much flexibility to users who want to text instead of calling on the unsaved numbers. The In-app dialer will notify users about WhatsApp registration of the entered number letting users know if they can use the contact number for calling or messaging directly. This new feature might be more beneficial for users who are frequent travelers or those who want to reduce their calling costs. 

WhatsApp unveiled a quick reply feature for instant video messaging in July last year, which enabled users to record and exchange videos with friends and family instantly. Now, WhatsApp is including more functionalities in this new feature to enhance video message exchanges. This feature is also a part of the recent WhatsApp beta for Android update. The popular messaging app is planning to roll out this feature, which will allow users to respond to instant video messages more conveniently and quickly by using a shortcut. This shortcut will let users respond to a video message instantaneously.

Until now, WhatsApp users needed to go to the message menu to respond to a video message, which is quite time-consuming but with the new shortcut, users do not need to follow additional steps to maintain the flow of interactions. Only a few beta testers can currently use the quick reply feature for instant video messages by installing the latest WhatsApp beta updates for Android. However, it will be available for regular users in the future.

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