RADIUS-OIS unveils next-generation intelligent agent console Intello – Here’s how it works

2 min read

RADIUS-Omnichannel Interaction System (OIS) has introduced the newly redesigned and upgraded intelligent agent console – Intello. Accordign to the company, the next-generation agent console elevates the customer experience with its powerful and sophisticated features, including an intuitive interface with smooth navigation and a customisable dashboard with diverse themes for personalisation. 

The new console makes switching between various interactions and channels seamless and enhances communication and productivity. 

Core features of Intello

Core features include integrated AI tools for deeper insights, audio and video capabilities via WebRTC, and a multi-feature-single window interface for streamlined access to multiple functions. Moreover, its robust integration with Data and Information Management Systems puts essential information readily at fingertips. 

“As a niche player in the industry, we firmly believe in the power of integrating customer feedback with the comprehensive research of our team. With this symbiotic approach, we prioritize a customer-centric focus to drive innovation and stay ahead in the market. This not only addresses current user needs but also anticipates future demands, ensuring our application’s functional superiority, user satisfaction, and sustainable business growth,” said Chief Architect of RADIUS-OIS Suman Subudhi. 

Intello, leveraging the power of Gen AI along with other advanced technologies, enables agents to provide highly personalised interactions at every customer touchpoint. Additionally, it boasts robust security and compliance measures, ensuring the utmost protection of sensitive customer information.

“We’re inviting industry leaders and SMEs to discover the potential of RADIUS-OIS and how it can transform their approach to customer engagement,” added Business Head, Srinivas PV. 

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