Can Employment Lawyers in Toronto handle breaches of employment contracts?

Employment Lawyers in Toronto handle breaches of employment contracts

A Toronto employment lawyer is often called upon to advise and represent employees on matters of wrongful termination, constructive dismissal, and breach of contract. The legal practice of employment law is a complex, nuanced area of law that requires specific skill sets to excel in. These skills include legal knowledge, written communication, problem solving, and the ability to negotiate and mediate disputes. Unlike many other areas of the legal profession, workplaces in Canada are governed by both provincial and federal laws, which can lead to complex legal matters. Navigating this complex milieu demands a Toronto employment lawyer with a unique set of skills.

Employment contracts are the framework of a working relationship and can have long-lasting consequences for both the employer and employee. As such, both parties are expected to uphold the terms stipulated in an employment contract. If an employee feels their employment contract has been breached, they should speak with a employment lawyer Toronto right away.

A breach of contract may occur when an employer makes a fundamental change to a term or condition of an employment contract without the consent of the employee. The change must be significant enough to deprive the employee of a substantial benefit that he or she would have expected to receive under the contract, regardless of whether the employer intended to deprive the employee of such a benefit.

Can Employment Lawyers in Toronto handle breaches of employment contracts?

An employment contract can be amended by mutual agreement between the employer and employee; however, it is important for employees to understand what they are signing before they do so. An employment lawyer can review an employment contract before it is signed and help ensure that the contract complies with Ontario law.

In addition to reviewing an employment contract, an experienced Toronto employment lawyer can also assist clients in negotiating better terms and conditions. For instance, an employment lawyer can make sure that an employer’s non-compete clause is in line with basic employment rights established by government legislation and court decisions.

If an employment contract is not amended by mutual agreement between the employer and employee, it may be rendered unenforceable due to frustration. Frustration is a legal process that allows employers to terminate an employee’s contract in order to save money or because of unforeseen circumstances.

An experienced employment lawyer can help determine if an employment contract is unenforceable due to frustration and negotiate with the employer to come up with a solution that is mutually beneficial for both parties. If a mutually acceptable resolution cannot be reached, an employment lawyer can represent the interests of their client in litigation. This includes presenting evidence, arguing their case, and representing the client in court proceedings. If you have any questions regarding employment contracts or need assistance navigating the frustration process, contact us at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP. Our knowledgeable employment lawyers will be happy to provide you with a free consultation. We serve clients across the GTA and Toronto.

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